- Bonjour, Francois. Comment ca va? 你好,弗朗索瓦。你好吗?
- Salut, ca va? (嗨!你们好吗?)
- Salut, Pascal. Comment ca va ? 你好,帕斯卡尔。你好吗?
- Salut,Paul,Comment ca va? 你好,保罗,好吗?
- Ca va sans dire (That goes without saying) that he's a strong supporter of a cautious way of spending money (and has got some good friends among Italian politicians). 当然,他十分愿意小心谨慎的花每一分钱,同时他还在政界有些好朋友。
- Bonjour, comment ca va ? 你好,最近好吗?
- Non, ca va mal. 不,我不好。
- Comment ca va? 近来怎么样?
- a. et ca va vous rapporter gros? 你会因此发财吗?
- a. vous etes sur que ca va marcher? 你肯定这行得通吗?
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it? 你这个笨脑瓜难道不明白我们买不起吗?
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是不能用金钱来衡量的。
- I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中养猫我受不了。
- I can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
- I can't say for certain when he will arrive. 我说不准他什么时候会来。